It’s the best thing you could do for you..Yes you! It’s a powerful #anti_inflammatory,#antioxidant,#antiseptic, #anti_fungel and #antibacterial agent. heartburn,stomach_pain,Crohn’s disease and ulcerative_colitis,diarrhea,intestinal_gas, stomach_bloating,loss_of_appetite,jaundice, liver_problems,stomach_ulcers, irritable_bowel_syndrome (IBS),high_cholesterol, skin_inflammation from radiation treatment fatigue It is also used for headaches, bronchitis, colds, lung_infections,fibromyalgia,fever, menstrual_problems, itchy_skin, recovery after surgery, cancers,Alzheimer’s disease, water retention, urinary bladder inflammation, and kidney problems. Earthy #Caramel taste to balance out the sharper taste of #Turmeric #Caffeine_free #Gluten_free #Vegan_friendly #No_added_dairy #No_artificial_colours #No_preservatives #No_sweeteners 99%#Fat_free With #Organic_panela_sugar🍃 & #aromatic_spices Perfect serve #Almond or #Coconut milk #hot or #cold #ArkadiaHellas #Urban_BaristaHellas #Saras_Lee #Café_Style_Finest_Beverages
Let Golden Latte be the Medicine
Updated: Mar 26, 2020